Dear friends, guests and supporters of Bibelfreizeitheim Gemünden /Ts.,
The unthinkable has become reality and a war is taking place in Europe!
Many people are currently fleeing their homes because of the terrible effects of this war! Often all they have left is a backpack with the bare essentials!
The decision to make our camp facility available to those fleeing from Ukraine, was taken very swiftly by the board members of the sponsoring association of Bibelfreizeitheim, even if this means that planned retreats/camps may not be able to take place and rental income will be lost.
We consider this help to be necessary and more important, even if the financial situation is already tense due to the effects of the pandemic and extensive renovations being carried out on the caretaker’s house at the same time.
With the help of volunteers, especially from the churches in Wiesbaden and Kelkheim, a support group was organized in a very short time. Transportation to the camp, buying food, organizing clothing, Covid-19 tests as well as registering the refugees with the authorities has to be taken care of.
On Monday, March 14th, 2022, the first four groups with a total of 17 people from a church in Kyiv arrived at Frankfurt Central Station and were admitted to the bible camp until late at night. „Five more Ukrainians from the same church in Kyiv, with whom we have been supporting joint work with former prison inmates for years and some of whom we know personally, came to us at the weekend after fleeing for several days. Right now there are two more groups of five people on the road – and more have announced themselves.
In the meantime, we are also receiving more and more inquiries about individual donations via Whatsapp, social media and other channels.
If you would like to support our work, please use the following bank account or Paypal:
Frankfurter Sparkasse
IBAN: DE95 5005 0201 0000 2341 41
A donation receipt will of course be issued on request. Enter “Ukraine and your address” as a note.
Donations are also possible via PayPal.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us at bfh@bibelfreizeitheim.de or via the Bibelfreizeitheim Facebook Channel.
Der Trägerverein Bibelfreizeitheim Gemünden/Ts. e.V.